Now days medical cannabis is legal in many countries, also called as medical marijuana, herbal drug extracted from plants of the Cannabis and medical cannabis are used as part of the treatment for a specific symptom or disease in many areas. Although the term cannabis refers particularly to the plant genus, it is also used reciprocally with marijuana, which describes the drug isolated from leaves and flowers.
While cannabis has a long history of medical use as an analgesic/pain reliever. The active ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) was discovered in the 1960s.
This usage of cannabis can provide relief from certain types of conditions, such as severe chronic pain, and led to the development of various herbal medical cannabis products.
As the industry is still growing, they realized they must adopt modern horticultural science to use.
Although small-scale cannabis growers can get away with unclear of strains and considerable variation between batches, whereas commercial producers have to meet the same standards as they would for other consumer products.
Many of the challenges of extensive cannabis production can be clear up by designing of the commercial greenhouse industry. Expand crops commercially requires a homogenous soil and irrigation. Small variations in soil and temperature can cause of the crop dry out, which leads to the spread of pathogenic agents and root rot, and to an inconsistent product, nutrient deficiencies.
Medical Cannabis cultivation is legal in more than 18 countries, and grower are cultivating medical cannabis such as in green houses, hydroponics, aeroponics and open field where growers are facing many disease and pests or insects which are major causing of decrement of production.
Cannabis production get affected by below listed pests, disease and nutrients deficiency
Pest/Insects in Cannabis
1. Spider Mites 2. Aphids 3. Fungus Gnats 4. White Flies, Thrips 5. Cutworms and caterpillars
6. Leaf miners
Nutrient Deficiencies in Cannabis
1. calcium, 2. magnesium, 3. copper, 4. potassium, 5. zinc, 6. Nitrogen 7. Phosphate
Diseases in Cannabis
1. Powdery Mildew (fine, white powder coating the plant)
2. Leaf Septoria (brown spots)
3. Bud Rot (mold growing inside leaf buds)
4. Verticillium wilt (greyish brown leaves, a brown stem base and wilting)
5. Fusarium wilt (yellow and brown leaves, curling upward)
Peptech Biosciences is offering many products to support cannabis growers for controlling above issues for better growing, strong bug formulation and better yield.
Concentrated Mycorrhiza 3500IP/g for better root formation in Cannabis
Mycorrhiza (Rhizophagus Irregularis) 3500 IP/g Rhizophagus irregularis is a species of mycorrhizal fungus. It is a beneficial fungus that is specific to and the very best for cannabis. Both hemp and marijuana profit from its use. The fungal hyphae attach themselves to the roots of the cannabis plant. This can effectively triple the root mass of the plant. The fungal hyphae extend out and basically extend the root system of the cannabis plant. Mycorrhizae is also a great tool if you are an organic grower as it can reduce fertilizer use, provide a resistance to salt toxicity, delay wilting, and reduce the risk of root disease and deficiencies
- Improved root growth and health.
- Helps in increase flowering, fruiting.
- Helps in nutrient uptake, water uptake, and final yield.
- Higher Quality.
Application:- Use as soil drench from beginning of life. Until 2 weeks into bud formulation @ 1 gm/Lt and repeat after 7-14 days.
Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria to control Nitrogen Deficiency in Cannabis
Nitrogen is one of the three main macronutrients cannabis plants survive on, so its presence is important when providing nutrients. Nitrogen fixing bacteria is natural nitrogen fixation, and it is ready to use improves both plant and soil health and also aids in soil remediation and it helps to supply nutrients that they cannot obtain from Air by themselves.
Application:- use soil drench from beginning of life. Until 2 weeks into bud formulation @ 2 gm/Lt and repeat after 7-14 days.
Nitrogen Deficiency
Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria to manage Phosphorus Deficiency in Cannabis
Phosphorus solubilizing bacteria helps in increasing the population of beneficial microbes and multiply by utilizing the carbon source of soil or exudates of the root and in this process secrete organic acids and enzymes which helps in blooming.
Application:- use soil drench from beginning of life. Until 2 weeks into bud formulation @ 2 gm/Lt and repeat after 7-14 days
Phosphorus Deficiency
Potassium Mobilizing Bacteria to manage K Deficiency in Cannabis
Potassium mobilizing bacteria Increases resistance of crops to hot & dry conditions, improves quality of fruit & flower, Increases contains and size of fruits/bud. When there is not enough potassium in the plants system, the leaves will begin to turn a bright yellow and will die. By this time, they are deficient in one of a plant’s core requirements for healthy living, so K Improved drought resistance and control Disease prevention.
Application:- use soil drench from beginning of life. Until 2 weeks into bud formulation @ 2 gm/Lt and repeat after 7-14 days.
Potassium Deficiency
Silica Solubilizing Bacteria to make strong plant of Cannabis
Silica solubilizing bacteria makes plants stronger in all aspects. Silica is also utilized for growing bigger and healthier cannabis plants, especially during the flowering of buds. As well, silica increases structural strength and far better capacity for the production of bud. And helps in higher-yielding plant and Increases cell wall strength. Silica can also help prevent water stress by protecting the plant during excess transpiration that occurs during water stress or low light conditions
Application:- use soil drench from beginning of life. Until 2 weeks into flowering @ 2 gm/Lt and 2-3 application at bud formulation stage @ 1g/Lt repeat after 7-14 days.
Silica Deficiency in bud
Magnesium Solubilizing Bacteria to manage brown and yellow spots in Cannabis
Magnesium solubilizing Bacteria helps Release of organic acids such as citric acid and oxalic acid and many metabolites and make it available to plant in an assailable form. It prevents from the disease like yellow leaf and round spots. Regarding the fungal growth, the conidiophores start germinating and produce mycelia in the soil. These mycelia grow by utilizing the root exudates of the plant as an energy source and release organic acids as a product of their metabolism.
Application:- use from beginning of life. Until 2 weeks into flowering @ 2 gm/Lt and repeat after 7-14 days.
For Controlling insects and pest use Beauveria Bassiana and Azadirachtin at early stage.
For Managing fungal disease use OMRI certified Bacillus subtilis.