Azoxystrobin 18.2% + Difenoconazole 11.4% SC



It is a broad spectrum fungicide having systemic activity against major pathogens. It is recommended for the control of Anthracnose and powdery mildew of chilli; Early blight and Late blight of Tomato; blast & sheath blight of Paddy; blight & downy mildew of Maize; Rust & Powdery Mildew of Wheat.

Mode of action:

It’s a dual systemic fungicide which inhibits spore germination at the early stage of fungal development. Thus, it protects the crop against invasion by fungal pathogens. It’s taken up by the plants and acts on the fungal pathogen during penetration and haustoria formation.

Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC) Classification:

  • Azoxystrobin: 11
  • Difenoconazole: 3



  • Synergy of two advanced chemicals and have multisite action.
  • Broad-spectrum fungicide with protective and curative action.
  • Compatible with commonly used insecticides and fungicides.
  • Translaminar and acropetal movement help in quicker and even dispersion in plant system which improves crop health, quality and yield of a crop.



Crop(s)Common Name of PestDosage/AcreDilution in




Period between last

spray to harvest


AI (% conc. or ml/l)Formulation
ChilliAnthracnose and powdery mildew0.03% or 0.3 g/l0.1% or 1 ml/ litre water2005
CottonLeaf spot & grey mildew0.03% or 0.3 g/l0.1% or 1 ml/liter water20012
Maizeblight & downy mildew0.03% or 0.3 g/l0.1% or 1 ml/ litre water20026
OnionPurple blotch, stemphylium blight & downy mildew0.03% or 0.3 g/l0.1% or 1 ml/liter water2007
Paddyblast & sheath blight0.03% or 0.3 g/l0.1% or 1 ml/ litre water20031
SugarcaneRed rot, smut & rust0.03% or 0.3 g/l0.1% or 1 ml/liter water200265
TomatoEarly blight and Late blight0.03% or 0.3 g/l0.1% or 1 ml/ litre water2005
TurmericLeaf blotch, leaf spot & rhizome rot0.03% or 0.3 g/l0.1% or 1 ml/liter water20060
WheatRust & Powdery Mildew0.03% or 0.3 g/l0.1% or 1 ml/ litre water20035


Caution: The combination product is toxic to fish and aquatic organism therefore not to be used near aquactulture. The combination product not to be used repeatedly to avoid development of resistance

Additional information


25ml, 100ml, 200ml, 500ml, 1litre