Cyantraniliprole 19.8% + Thiamethoxam 19.8% FS



Cyantraniliprole 19.8% + Thiamethoxam 19.8% FS is a broad spectrum system insecticide recommended for use as seed treatment to control Shoot fly, Stem borer, Cut worms and Aphids on Maize crop.

Mode of action:

Cyantraniliprole is the member of bisamides class of insecticides. It is a ryanodine receptor (RyR) modulator which kills insects through unregulated activation of RyR. Insects exposed to cyantraniliprole become lethargic, paralyzed, and eventually die.

Thiamethoxam: Being a systemic insecticide, it moves through the plant’s vascular system, reaching all parts of the plant, including the leaves, stems, and roots. When insects come into contact with Thiamethoxam they ingest or absorb it through their exoskeletons or mouthparts. It binds to specific receptors in the nervous system of insects, known as nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). This binding disrupts the normal communication between nerve cells, leading to paralysis and ultimately death.

Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) Classification No.

  • Cyantraniliprole: 28
  • Thiamethoxam: 4A


  • Strong root uptake and highly systemic in the xylem
  • Excellent crop protection resulting from a rapid feeding inhibition and long lasting residual effect


Crop(s)Common Name of PestDosage/AcreDilution in Water



Period between

last spray

to harvest


AI (gm)Formulation (ml)
MaizeShoot fly, Stem borer, Cut Worms, Aphids1.58


0.79 +



1.64-8Not applicable as this product is to be use as seed treatment before sowing.



  1. Toxic to fish and aquatic invertebtrates, therefore, water from treated field should not be drained down in ponds or aquaculture. Do not contaminate water used for iorrigation or domestic purpose and water areas such as ponds, ditches, lakes, drainage, systems, etc. by disposal of product waste. Newly treated areas must not be grazed and all live stock is to be kept out.
  2. Toxic to bees and other pollinators. Use with care to avoid air/dust contamination of the cropping area (during treatment, bagging and sowing). The use of this product as seed treatment will not damage bees and other pollinators if use recommendations are followed.

Additional information


32ml, 160ml