Lime Sulphur 22% SC



It is made of inorganic sulphur and lime and is used to manage a number of fungal diseases, including plum pockets, black knot, rose black spot, and other raspberry diseases.

Mode of action:

It is able to kill pathogens through direct contact or fumigation (sulphur vapours). The vapour action of sulphur allows the fungicide to be effective from a distance and is important in killing spores of powdery mildew.


  • Fungicide controls a range of fungal diseases and pests on fruit trees, tomatoes, grapes, roses and ornamentals.
  • No withholding period.
  • Ideal as a winter clean up spray – spray fruit trees and roses during winter to control hard to kill pests and diseases such as mites and leaf curl.
  • Low toxic.




Crop(s)Common Name of PestDosage/AcreWaiting Period between last spray to harvest Remarks
AI Formulation Dosages
GrapesPowdery Mildew0.44-1.101 lit/AcreFebruary followed by 2

dusting in summer

PeachLeaf curl, brown rot, Powdery mildew0.44-1.101 lit/ AcreOnly one application before the buds swell, 3 pre harvest applications
PlumBlack spot0.44-1.101 lit/ AcreDelayed dormant spray
RosePowdery mildew0.44-1.101 lit/ AcreDelayed dormant spray
CherryLeaf Spot0.44-1.101 lit/ Acre3 applications

After petal fall 2 Weeks later & after harvest

PearBlack spot0.44-1.101 lit/ AcreAt white bud, Petal fall
AppleScale, Powdery mildew0.22%The liquid is used at 1% in conventional sprayers2% pre & 1% post blosson
BeanRust0.22%The liquid is used at 1% in conventional sprayers2% pre & 1% post blosson