Zinc Sulfate 33%

Zinc Sulfate 33% is a chemical fertilizer formulated to correct zinc deficiencies in plants. It serves as an effective source of zinc and can be applied through both foliar sprays and soil drenches. When applied to soil, Zinc Sulfate 33% gradually releases zinc, ensuring steady availability for plant roots. This helps in promoting healthy growth and improving overall crop yield.

  • Zinc Sulfate: Plays a vital role in plant metabolism by forming tetrahedral complexes with nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur, which are essential for plant growth.
  • Prevents Zinc Deficiency: A lack of zinc in the soil leads to stunted growth, poor yields, and, in severe cases, crop death.


Key Features:
  • Gradual release of zinc ensures continuous nutrient availability.
  • Addresses common zinc deficiency issues such as stunted growth, patch formation, and irregular small leaves.
  • Prevents withering, reduces the severity of chlorosis (yellowing of leaves), and minimizes flower and fruit drop.
  • Enhances plant health and boosts overall yield.
  • Helps in the reclamation of zinc-deficient soils, ensuring better crop productivity.
  • Suitable for a wide range of crops, including fruits, vegetables, pulses, and cereals.

Target Crops and Application
Crop TypeApplication TimingDosageApplication Method
Fruits (Grapes, Apple, Citrus, Mango)1st application: Soil Application (Pre-planting)4-5 kg/acre (soil application)Soil application & foliar spray
1st Spray: 25 days after planting3-4 gm/L (foliar spray)Foliar spray
2nd Spray: 25 days after the 1st spray
3rd Spray: 25 days after the 2nd spray
Vegetables (Tomato, Potato, Brinjal)According to crop cycle4-5 kg/acre (soil application), 3-4 gm/L (foliar spray)Soil application & foliar spray
Pulses (Beans, Pea, Lentil)According to crop cycle4-5 kg/acre (soil application), 3-4 gm/L (foliar spray)Soil application & foliar spray
Cereals (Wheat, Barley)According to crop cycle4-5 kg/acre (soil application), 3-4 gm/L (foliar spray)Soil application & foliar spray

Application Instructions:
  • Soil Application: 4-5 kg per acre, applied before planting.
  • Foliar Application: Dissolve 3-4 gm per liter of water and apply as a foliar spray at intervals of 25 days after planting.
  • Timing: For best results, follow the recommended schedule of sprays at specific intervals.
Recommended for:

Farmers growing fruits, vegetables, pulses, and cereals who are looking to enhance crop growth and address zinc deficiency.