Concentrated Mycorrhizae Powder

Concentrated Mycorrhizae is a concentrated soluble powder-based formulation of Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizal fungi. It is processed by our professionals using quality-assured Bio chemical compounds with superior quality microbial fungus enriched with large amount of plant growth stimulatory products such as seaweed extract, hydrolyzed protein, humic acid, chelated nutrients. These are examined on predefined quality parameters. Concentrated Mycorrhizae (3500 IP/gm) is an advanced formulation plant supplement that promotes seedlings, cutting, transplanting and direct sown crops. It is non-phytotoxic and used for soil and foliar applications. It can be applied through irrigation, fertigation or different sprayer systems.

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Concentrated Mycorrhizae is in Powder form with 3500 – 4000 IP/gm.

Mode of Action
Concentrated Mycorrhizae when applied as biofertilizer to soil, form a thick mycelial mat around the roots of plant. Fungi penetrate into the plant cells, producing balloon like vesicles. The structure of the arbuscules increase the contact surface between the hyphal and the cell cytoplasm.These hyphae increase the root volume by 50-150% and ensure to facilitate the transfer of nutrients between them and VAM fungi produce the glycoprotein glomalin which may be one of the major stores of carbon in the soil, management of VAM fungi enhances phosphate uptake and mobilize immobile micronutrients like Zn, Cu, Bo, Mo. Besides this it impart resistance to plant against drought, soil borne fungal pathogens and nematodes.

Advantage of Concentrated Mycorrhizae

Concentrated Mycorrhizae has precise composition, non-allergic and longer shelf life bio fertilizer. It has superior quality inoculants which are pathogen- free. This can be formulated at different concentrations with different carriers. It can be formulated according to customer’s needs. It improves the root canopy and plant growth. Concentrated Mycorrhizae also increases the efficiency of mineral/water uptake and mobilization of water with nutrients like Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Potassium, Iron, Manganese, Magnesium, Copper, Zinc, Boron, Sulphur and Molybdenum etc. from soil to root. It induces resistance in plant during stress conditions viz. drought, disease & nutrients deficiency. It improves the soil texture by decomposing organic matter present in soil. Increase and facilitate nutrient and translocation from the soil and root cuticle parenchyma to xylem. It also improves biological Nitrogen fixation of legume by improving nodules formation. It is useful in all the Agricultural, Floricultural and Horticultural crops. This specially designed concentrated Mycorrhizae absorb and accumulate phosphate and other micronutrients from the soil or solution (hydroponics) several times more than non-mycorrhizal plants. Concentrated Mycorrhizae (3500 IP/gm) helps in reducing the chemical fertilizer requirement of phosphorus and some micronutrients.

Concentrated Mycorrhizae is also suitable for foliar spray.


Applicable for all crops specially fruit and vegetable crops such as Grapes, Pomegranate, Banana, Papaya, Guava, Mango, Potato, Tomato, Capsicum, Paddy, Sugarcane, cotton, Wheat, Maize, Cereals, Pulses, Oil seeds, Plantation, Fiber crops, Forest and Nursery.

Method of Application & Dosage


Direct Broadcast100g / acreAt the time of field preparation.
Soil Drenching100 g/acre in 100-150 litre water for one-acre field.Early in the growing season
For horticultural crops (Mango, Guava, Citrus, Kinnow & Litchi etc.)1.0-1.5 gm per ditchBefore transplanting the plants
Also useful in hydroponics and sprinkler irrigation.


Toxicity:‘Concentrated Mycorrhizae’ is eco-friendly naturally derived product & free from any toxic effect & can be safely used.